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Home / Frequently Asked Questions / Why am I required to take ALEKS regardless of prior standardized tests, placement testing or college-level course placement (such as AP, IB or dual enrollment)?

Why am I required to take ALEKS regardless of prior standardized tests, placement testing or college-level course placement (such as AP, IB or dual enrollment)?

ALEKS is a tool utilized to determine math and science readiness. These courses are demanding and serve as foundational courses for many majors.

  • ALEKS may advance your math standing vs. other assessments, which directly impacts matriculation and time to degree completion.
  • Having an ALEKS score on file ensures correct placement should you decide to change your major, rather than relying on a previous placement that may not meet the required math or science benchmark.
  • You may find that your preparedness has declined since taking elevated coursework, and the ALEKS assessment will help to define the best placement for your personalized learning path.
  • ALEKS is designed to identify instructional gaps in college-prep curriculum.
  • ALEKS offers an equitable assessment for all test takers that meets our New Student Orientation timeline for course scheduling.